Pakistan Day Special - ibex.

Pakistan Day Special – Celebrations

March 29,2017
Every year Pakistan Day is celebrated on March 23 throughout the country with national enthusiasm and spirit to commemorate the adoption of the Pakistan Resolution by the All India Muslim League in 1940 at Lahore’s Minto Park which demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims in South Asia. The day commemorates the adoption of Pakistan Resolution in 1940 which demanded a separate homeland for Muslims. The day reminds us that we are the potential people to make Pakistan and we are the same who will make it developed. Numbers of programs are arranged by different organizations to highlight the importance of Pakistan Resolution every year on this day. IBEX GLOBAL Karachi decided to celebrate the day with traditional fervor and zeal and a renewed pledge to make country developed. Following activities were designed to celebrate this day with patriotism. Do something creative: Employees were asked to Paint their own Pakistan - The way they think a perfect Pakistan would look like. Draw and paint what they like about their country and how they would like things to be, portraying a 'better Pakistan' in their own way. Decorate your workspace: How about placing / displaying a small flag on your desk and decorate it with smiles, colors and gestures of love. We decorated the office with balloons and small flags were placed on desks. All people gathered in board room and honored the nation with the “National Anthem”, which was followed by Group Photos. Face Painting: We also made face painting arrangements on a stall on different floors in IBEX Tower, where a lot of employees took keen interest and were proud to have different color themes on their faces. Wear Green contest: To make it much more interesting, we had planned to give "Best Dressed Male" & "Best Dressed Female" Goodies to ones showing their true spirit in dressing for the theme. Thus, With the Deep Sense of Gratitude in the Heart and deep respect, we all Feel proud for our nation today and Committed ourselves to do our levels best for the Nation.. Any Time….Every time….!! Contributed By: Madeeha Naseem Employer Branding Team

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